Commenting on the events of Thursday, which saw Ousmane Sonko calmly return to the Dean of Judges without any disturbance being noted, the Minister of Trade, Government Spokesman, paid tribute to the professionalism of the Policeand the maturity of the Senegalese.How do you analyse the events of today, with the summoning of Ousmane Sonko by the Dean of Judges? The saidsummons was respected without any attempt to call for violence or uprising as was the case in March 2021, with the Covid effect.The Defence and Security Forces (FDS) have fulfilled their sovereign role.They framed the process without any overflow.The tranquillity and security of people and property have been ensured by the State.The speech of the President of the Republic was heard.There will be no March 2021.We congratulate the professionalism and the repulsive effectiveness of the SDF, as well as the maturity of the Senegalese population.Isn’t it also because the defendant calmed things down by asking his supporters to stay home?Yes, of course.But did he have a choice?The State has shown its firmness and determination to uphold public order.He could have said he wasn’t going to defer…OusmaneSonko‘s speech was ambiguous, but the State had taken steps to act regardless of the nature of the provocation.I think, moreover, that at the height of his attempt to resist Justice in March 2021, he had responded to the judge.So there was no reason for him to deviate this time.What is your response to those who say that the State showed an excessive display of its strength? There is no excess when public order and the safety of persons and property so require.A self-respecting State cannot accept certain attitudes of mistrust vis-à-vis our sovereign institutions.Should the State make such a display of force to ensure calm in the face of provocations by a single individual? The State must ensure the security and freedom of people and property at whatever the cost.Our times have changed, media manipulation in social networks requires governments to be proactive in the face of any risk of excesses or disruptions.When it comes to public safety, more is better than not enough.Speaking of the arrest of elements of his close guard, Mr. Sonko claims that it is a conspiracy that threatens his safety. What do you think?I believe that violence from any matter must be banished from the political field.When our compatriots of all stripes have been victims of unspeakable violence, file complaints with temporary work interruptions ranging from 21 to 45 days for such serious facts, with such shocking images, Justice must act in the fullness of its competences.Interview by M. GUEYE –

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH / Serigne S. DIAGNE