Not found in the city of Ziguinchor a few days ago, the president of the Pastef party enjoyed a walkabout, this Wednesday, in the streets and arteries of the city of Ziguinchor, before returning home without making a statement.

Ousmane Sonko came out of hiding on Wednesday, no doubt to silence the rumours. The leader of the Pastef party could not be found for days. At least, many did not know where he was. And the comments on the unusual silence of the leader of the « Patriots » were going well within the opinion circles.

Around 7 p.m. this Wednesday, Ousmane Sonko came out, serene, to enjoy a walkabout in front of his home. He then went for a walk in the streets of Ziguinchor.

Hundreds of thousands of militants and supporters of the Pastef party welcomed the mayor of Ziguinchor, who returned to his home without making a speech.

For a week now, women and young people have stood guard outside his home to watch over him.

During all this time, the city was subject to violent clashes between the forces of order and the supporters of the leader of the Pastef party. These clashes caused material damage and deaths. A lull has certainly been noted since yesterday, but the tension is still palpable in the town of Ziguinchor.