What will the Pds do for the presidential election? With Karim Wade not standing as a candidate, the Pape of Sopi will draw up the line to follow today. In the meantime, Maguette Sy has already ruled out an alliance with Benno bokk yaakaar. Here are the options for the Pds.
Karim Meïssa Wade seems to have resigned himself to the fact that he will not be a candidate in this year’s presidential elections. In a tweet, Wade’s son has laid down his arms and is awaiting his father’s decision as to what course of action he will take. What will the Pds do for this election? That is the question Abdoulaye Wade will answer today. In the meantime, the Pds has the following options. In the space of a few days, the Pds has gone from being a party with presidential ambitions to a kingmaker political party. It is certain that Wade’s party will not field a candidate. So what will the Pds do?
An alliance with the majority is more than likely. Indeed, if the risk of dislocation theorised by Woré Sarr, should her political party remain in opposition, is proven, the Pds will have to make a choice. Between Bassirou Diomaye Faye, Khalifa Sall, Idrissa Seck, Mamadou Aliou Dia and Amadou Ba, Karim Wade is unlikely to give any instructions in favour of the « Patriots », given the presence of Mimi Touré, the face of the hunt for ill-gotten gains. Even if the momentum generated by the release from prison of Sonko and Diomaye Faye may serve the interests of Wade’s son. Indeed, with the constitutional judges’ complaints, the Pds will have to scrutinise its companionship to make sure they have its back. Will the former Pastef party, which is campaigning for an independent judiciary, accept support in return for silence on this matter if it wins?
Idy’s distance from the Papa of Sopi is not in his favour. The risk of remaining in opposition is high with Khalifa Sall, given the uncertainty about the latter’s real capacity to mobilise.
With Amadou Ba, the Pds can play an important role. In fact, according to the results of the 2022 legislative elections, the Bby and Wallu coalitions together accounted for 61% of the vote. This would guarantee Amadou Ba victory in the first round. This is a major argument for the Pds. For Benno bokk yaakaar, a possible alliance with the Pds would make up for the departures of Boun Dionne, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye and Mame Boye Diao, in terms of votes. This alliance could limit the ability of certain members of the majority to cause harm. Indeed, with the political tension of the last few days, Macky Sall has a clearer idea of who might not throw in their lot with Amadou Ba. The position of certain ministers, who have not failed to distance themselves from the candidate of the majority, accused of corruption, could be fatal to Bby if it does not obtain an alliance with the Pds.
Undermined from within, the presidential majority would find an almost all-risk insurance with the Pds. However, Maguette Sy, the representative of the invalidated candidate Karim Wade, has already ruled out this option, despite calls from Amadou Ba.
With the likely political reconfiguration of the post-Presidential era, the Pds would certainly not say no to an ally that could help it secure the presidency of the National Assembly once it has been dissolved. In this context, what can the Pur offer? Given its light electoral weight, what will the Pds do? If all the scenarios do not suit the Pds, Abdoulaye Wade’s party can abstain. And recent history has shown that the Pds is not afraid to defend its interests, whatever the cost. The answer is therefore expected today.
By Malick GAYE / mgaye@lequotidien.sn
- Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH