Founder of the think tank Afrikajom Center, Alioune Tine has noted that the political tensions have not decreased at all. This is why he is calling for a reversal of this dangerous trend by providing the recipe.

The political tension between the government and the opposition is taking a new turn. We thought that with the advent of this 3rd alternation this tension would deflate, but it is the opposite eight months after the installation of the new regime. A state of affairs that particularly worries Alioune Tine.

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A leading figure in civil society, the latter addressed the issue yesterday during the ceremony celebrating International Human Rights Day organized by the Cndhs (National Commission for Human Rights of Senegal). Mr. Tine came to the conclusion that in our country, « the exercise of power and respect for human rights do not seem to go well together. »

« As a civil society, what we observe today as a major challenge in Senegal is in reality the challenge of human rights, respect for democracy and respect for the rule of law in the face of the exercise of power, » mentions Alioune Tine. Founder of the think tank Afrikajom Center, the latter notes that « when you have power, there are temptations to abuse it. »

« When we look at what is happening in our country from 2021 to now, it is still the struggle for power. And it is a merciless struggle, » noting that introspection is not being done on past events, at the height of the political tension that led to a third alternation last March.

« From my point of view, we have not yet drawn the consequences of what happened from 2021 to 2024. We have experienced the situation of an extraordinary State in every sense of the word. We must draw the consequences. This is extremely important, » argued Alioune Tine.

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« Nothing beats peace, » says one of the most prominent figures in civil society, providing the recipe for consolidating it. He recommends a return to orthodoxy to reverse this dangerous trend. « We will have to see how we can adapt to respecting democratic standards. So that, both in the context of the conquest and in the exercise of power, this is done in compliance with the rule of law, democracy and human rights, » he argued. 

Mr. Tine continues to be involved as in the time of the political crisis to prevent Senegal from finding itself in an impasse.

By Amadou MBODJI /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH