Complaints filed by injured people with their medical certificates, as well as those of other victims of destruction of property in Tchicky, a village in the commune of Diass, and the results of the investigation by the gendarmes of Saly are at the origin of the arrest of five elements of the security of the leader of Pastef, Ousmane Sonko, by the gendarmerie, Friday in Dakar. The announcement was made by Mamadou Diop, prosecutor at the High Court of Mbour, at a press conference.The case arising from the violence that occurred in Tchiky, in the department of Mbour, during the tour of the leader of Pastefin the said locality, is now in the hands of Justice.Indeed, following the arrest of 5 elements of the security of OusmaneSonko by the Intervention Group of the National Gendarmerie (Gign) in Dakar for the purposes of a procedure opened in Mbour, the prosecutor at the High Court of Mbour was in front of the press to provide details on the arrest of these 5 people.MamadouDiop, public prosecutor at the High Court of Mbour, announced that the 5 people arrested in connection with this case are in the hands of the gendarmes of Mbour for the purposes of the investigation. Questioned on the fact that the gendarmerie did summon the 5 arrested people, the prosecutor of Mbour recalled that he cannot advance in this case.« I don’t want to burden anyone, I mean nobody, at this moment of the investigation.There is no evidence to me that they are the perpetrators of these facts, the arrests are part of the investigation.Those arrested are presumed (innocent) and all their rights will be respected; it is for the Court to judge.But for the moment, my role is to order an investigation and give the results to the Court that will judge this case, » defended the public prosecutor at the High Court of Mbour.During his face-to-face meeting with the press, prosecutor Diop returned to the incidents that occurred in the village of Tchiky, on October 30, and which opposed some elements of OusmaneSonko‘s close guard to some people who were on the scene at the time of the convoy’s passage.Moreover, the head of the Mbour prosecutor’s office said that yesterday’s press conference was to enlighten public opinion.« In the afternoon of October 30, around 6 p.m., incidents occurred in the village of Tchiky, in the commune of Diass.These incidents pitted certain elements who ensure the safety of Mr.OusmaneSonko, president of the political party « Les Patriotes« , against people present in the vicinity of the place where they were pre-positioned inside the village, at the time of the passage of their convoy.Unfortunately, these incidents resulted in injuries to individuals: three of the victims came to the investigation unit with a medical certificate stating injuries that resulted in personal incapacity for work for both of them.And a medical certificate noting injuries resulting in a total incapacity for personal work of 45 days for the third, » said prosecutor MamadouDiop returning to the events of last Sunday.In addition to the three people injured, the chief prosecutor of Mbour said that there are other people who have come forward to file a complaint for the destruction of property belonging to them.« In view of the extreme seriousness of such facts denounced to us, an investigation was immediately opened and the results obtained led to the arrest of persons formally identified as the perpetrators of acts of violence causing serious injury to persons and destruction of property belonging to others, » added the magistrate.As part of this investigation, 5bodyguards of the leader of Pastef, OusmaneSonko, were arrested in Dakar and sent to the Research Section of the Salygendarmerie for the purposes of the investigation. By Alioune Badara CISS (Correspondent ) /
- Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH / Serigne S. DIAGNE