The MPs of the Pur, who had beaten Amy Ndiaye Gniby, are actively sought by the police on the orders of the public prosecutor. It was the President of the National Assembly who referred the matter to the Public Prosecutor’s Office on the basis of updates (minutes), as authorised by the Rules of Procedure of the parliamentary institution.In a Republic, the citizen does not do justice for himself.MassataSamb and his colleague from Pur learned this the hard way.In the middle of the plenary session, in front of the cameras, the first named deemed it useful to settle scores with Amy NdiayeGniby by administering a vulgar slap.The second will move up a gear with a kick in the stomach of the parliamentarian who is 9 weeks pregnant.Faced with this desolate spectacle, the President of the National Assembly convened the Executive of the 14th legislature, as stipulated in the Rules of Procedure in its article 53 paragraph 3, to draw up a report.The document having landed at the office of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the two MPs are actively sought on the orders of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.The President of the National Assembly summoned the members of the Executive to inform them.The decision of the President of the National Assembly to seize « on minutes » the public prosecutor is not unrelated to the decision of the latter to set in motion the security forces to proceed with the arrest of the two MPs of the Pur, authors of the aggression of their colleague Amy NdiayeGniby.« The president (of the National Assembly), alone, is the police of the Assembly.He is responsible for ensuring the internal security of the National Assembly.In the event of a crime or misdemeanour, he shall have a report drawn up and immediately refer the matter to the public prosecutor.He shall therein report to the Executive of the National Assembly, » provides Rule 53 of the Rules of Procedure of Parliament.In these columns, we wrote, last weekend, that the head of the Dakar Public Prosecutor’s Office was following very closely the evolution of the state of health of the assaulted parliamentarian, evacuated to the Main Hospital following a malaise.Our interlocutors had even indicated that the services of the Public Prosecutor’s Office are waiting for the reaction of the assaulted MP.And she was informed that there is a good chance that the prosecutor AmadyDiouf will seize himself, in case the parliamentarian victim of the aggression of her two colleagues, members of the parliamentary group Yaw, MassataSamb and MamadouNiang, do not bring themselves to Justice.By Malick GAYE /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH