The candidates made statements for their first airtime on national television. They gave a foretaste of their programme. Candidate Idrissa Seck, who opened the show, announced a strategy to tackle the high cost of living, youth unemployment and border security problems. The Idy2024 candidate highlighted his experience and background. Idrissa Seck took the opportunity to appeal for peace to all leaders, « because the work ahead of us is colossal ».

The candidate of the majority, Bby, Amadou Ba, who says he is confident, has promised to make young people his priority, « to give them reasons to hope ». Mr Ba also promised to increase funding for women, provide decent housing and quality healthcare, improve purchasing power, and work to establish a climate of peace and harmony.

Candidate Thierno Alassane Sall, for his part, wants to resolve the problem of institutions, make the justice system independent, and make Senegal the democratic showcase of West Africa. He also promises to tackle corruption and make Senegal a self-sufficient agricultural and industrial country.

Le leader de la Coalition «Malick Gackou 2024» a fait de la réduction du coût de la vie son cheval de bataille. Pour la première séquence de son temps d’antenne, M. Gackou s’est présenté comme un homme très au fait de la situation des différentes couches de la société à qui il a toujours apporté son soutien.
Daouda Ndiaye, également candidat à cette Présidentielle, a annoncé un programme axé sur 19 propositions, qui seront déclinées durant cette campagne pour le développement du Sénégal.

The candidate of the majority, Bby, Amadou Ba, who says he is confident, has promised to make young people his priority, « to give them reasons to hope ». Mr Ba also promised to increase funding for women, provide decent housing and quality healthcare, improve purchasing power, and work to establish a climate of peace and harmony.

Candidate Thierno Alassane Sall, for his part, wants to resolve the problem of institutions, make the justice system independent, and make Senegal the democratic showcase of West Africa. He also promises to tackle corruption and make Senegal a self-sufficient agricultural and industrial country.

Candidate Mamadou Lamine Diallo, for his part, wants to put an end to the despair of young Senegalese with « an agenda for national recovery, which will open the doors to Senegal’s greatness ». According to him, this will involve « making Senegal one of the world’s great economies ». Mr Diallo maintains that he will provide solutions to problems relating to education, health and sport.

El Hadj Mamadou Diao has announced reforms that will improve healthcare. The candidate, who wants to build « a strong and prosperous Senegal », is banking on a new way of thinking and acting based on trust, transparency and a modern political vision.

The only female candidate in this presidential election, Anta Babacar Ngom, is opting for « a new face for Senegal ». She wants to retire professional politicians and fight corruption in order to put Senegal on the road to work with factories and processing industries.

Businessman Serigne Mboup, called for change to break with our leaders who, he says, have behaved like kings until now. The candidate makes it his duty to serve and develop his country.

Former minister Aly Ngouille Ndiaye wants to make Senegal prosperous by putting the necessary resources into agriculture and livestock farming, and developing industry to provide jobs for young people.

This is also the wish of Déthié Fall. The candidate promises to provide solutions to economic and social concerns, unemployment, health and education.

The Pur candidate, Aliou Mamadou Dia, wants to reconcile the Senegalese people through a strong social pact for the country’s development. To achieve this, he promises access to basic social services. « This is our political ambition, based on truth, transparency, trust and a return to the values on which our society and our Republic are founded », he said.

Like the other candidates, Papa Djibril Fall has made education, security, health and youth unemployment his priorities. Mr Fall also promises transparent management of resources and to change the lives of the Senegalese people.

Khalifa Ababacar Sall presented himself as a man of peace who wants to reconcile the nation, make the necessary reforms, break with the past and work for the development of Senegal.

Former Prime Minister Mahammed Boun Abdallah Dionne wants to be « the President of reconciliation, unity and applied economic sovereignty ». With regard to institutions, the candidate has pledged to apply the conclusions of the CNRI and also to introduce a single term of office.

For Boubacar Camara, it is time to have competent and virtuous governors. « Our country is badly governed. Debt is excessive, corruption plagues our country and Senegal’s image is tarnished. But there is hope. Without trial and error, I will ensure that the Senegalese have peace of mind », he declared.

Habib Sy, who has decided to lead the campaign for Bassirou Diomaye Faye, maintains that he knows the system and who needs to be destroyed in order to build the Pastef party’s project.

As for Cheikh Tidiane Dièye, he wants to put an end to injustice and corruption, and give young people the means to develop Senegal. All this, he stresses, is based on a project centred on patriotism, sovereignty and rebuilding.

By Dieynaba KANE /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH