Confrontation Between Ousmane Sonko and Adji Sarr Before the Judge: Lures of Truth

Those who expected explosive revelations, during the confrontation Adji Sarr and Ousmane Sonko, were disillusioned.Both sides have walled themselves in silence. None of them wanted to answer questions from their counterpart. The lawyers of Ousmane Sonko plead for a dismissal, « for lack of evidence of rape », while those of Adji Sarr believe that there was no confrontation.« He did not have the guts to speak to me, too bad, » said AdjiSarr, the accuser of OusmaneSonko, when he left the confrontation yesterday a little after 8 p.m. after a long day.In her red dress, the former young masseuse at the « Sweet Beauty » salon, came around 11 a.m. and left the Lat Dior courthouse in Dakar with her lawyers, El HadjiDiouf and AbdouDialy Kane.But also Gabrielle Kane, the feminist activist, who defends her in the media.Opposite, a horde of journalists in the dark fight for the slightest information.They will be followed by the defenceconsuls.“She always said she was just waiting for the day and today she came with nothing.From this moment, there is no follow-up to be given to this affair and its dismissal is necessary,” suggests Lawyer BambaCissé, consul for the leader of the Pastef party.He pursued: “We expected today that this lady, who accuses OusmaneSonko of rape, will come with all the elements that she produces the proof of the rape that she has argued from the start.While OusmaneSonko has always considered that he was the victim of a conspiracy and has brought that proof.For the defence, the confrontation hearing was an opportunity to question the civil party on the evidence available to it.Unfortunately, said Lawyer Cissé, “to our great surprise, this lady did not produce any elements.Better, she entrenched herself and barricaded herself behind an abyssal silence that we did not understand, since we thought she would be on the attack.Because on the other side adds OusmaneSonko‘s consul, « whether on the side of the public prosecutor or the accusing party, no ounce of element has been added to the file to show that there was rape or that there is any sexual relationship between two adults in this case ».In addition, he stated that his client answered all the questions of the judge by affirming, according to him, his position of principle vis-à-vis the prosecutor whom he considers to be “an active member of a conspiracy”.The lawyer tells us, however, that his client refused to answer questions from one of his colleagues.He gives the reasons for such an attitude on the part of the accused.He reported: “And out of concern for tact and dignity, he is not going to respond to someone who spends all his time insulting him in the media.”Always to believe, Lawyer BambaCissé, there was no incident.It went very well.Regarding the supposed disappearance of a preliminary investigation report that has circulated, the lawyer has established the facts.According to him, no minutes were lost.It happens, he says, that during the recording, it can happen, some data disappeared as part of the editing, but this was reconstructed by the technician of the Courthouse.For its part, the plaintiff considers that there was no face-to-face meeting between AdjiSarr and OusmaneSonko in the office of the Dean of the investigating judges.« There was no confrontation because Mr.Sonko refused to answer questions from the judge, the prosecutor and AdjiSarr‘s lawyers, » said Me El HadjiDiouf.And to add: “When they asked AdjiSarr questions, she answered the judge and the prosecutor.But she also refused to respond to OusmaneSonko‘s lawyers.So OusmaneSonko completely distorted the spirit of the confrontation.Our client has answered all of the judge’s and prosecutor’s questions and is comfortable. »There was a strong presence of law enforcement in and around the courthouse.All exits were barricaded by gendarmes and police.Under their gaze, AdjiSarr rushed into the car and left the scene.After this long-awaited episode, the final decision on whether or not to continue the procedure will depend on the Dean of the investigating judges in charge of this burning file.By Aliou DIALLO