The President of the Republic, Macky Sall, has taken note of the Constitutional Council’s decision and will apply it. The President of the Republic said so in a press release issued yesterday. Prior to this, President Macky Sall will set about gathering the views of the players involved in order to decide on the new date for the presidential election.

At the Palace of the Republic, the head of state was quick to react to the decision handed down by the members of the Constitutional Council on Thursday. The Head of State reacted to the decision of 6 of the 7 « Wise Men » to cancel the postponement of the presidential election initially scheduled for 25 February 2024. The President of the Republic, Macky Sall, « intends (thus) to fully implement the decision of the Constitutional Council ». President Macky Sall has taken « note of this decision, which falls within the framework of the normal jurisdictional mechanisms of democracy and the rule of law as enshrined in the Senegalese Constitution ».

To this end, the Head of State « will carry out, without delay, the necessary consultations for the organisation of the presidential election as soon as possible ». This is explained in a press release from the Presidency of the Republic, which sets out President Macky Sall’s reaction to the Constitutional Council’s decision on the decree and the constitutional law adopted by the National Assembly postponing the presidential election. After noting that it was impossible to organise the presidential election on the date initially scheduled, the Council invited the competent authorities to hold the election as soon as possible.

Consequences of the Constitutional Council’s Decision: Karim, the Big Loser

Following appeals lodged by a number of presidential candidates and members of the Yewwi askan wi, Taxawu Senegaal parliamentary groups, the Constitutional Council on Thursday annulled the presidential decree repealing the decree convening the electoral college for the presidential election of 25 February 2024. In their decision, the « Wise Men » also invited the relevant authorities to set a new date for the ballot to appoint President Macky Sall’s successor « as soon as possible ».

By Malick GAYE /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH