In a press conference, the APR corrected President Faye on many questions

After President Faye’s interview, the Alliance for the Republic (Apr) came out of the woodwork to assess the 100 days of the current government. Seydou Guèye, spokesman for the Apr, was quite scathing in his assessment of Diomaye. He said: ‘It was 100 days of incompetence, chatter, denial, trial and error and high-level confusion. To sum up, the facts are obvious. It was 100 days of chatter, 100 days without vision, 100 days without a project, 100 days without a significant reduction in the price of basic necessities, 100 days of conspiracy against the judiciary, 100 days of harassment of the press and private sector companies.’ For Seydou Guèye, the 100 days are a continuation of the policies of the Macky Sall regime.  ‘The only good thing we’ve seen is the continuation of our major achievements, the continuation of the Emerging Senegal Plan (Pse). He cited the start-up of the Sangomar field, the commissioning of the Brt, and the resumption of the monthly cleaning operation.’ The Apr spokesman highlighted President Faye’s ‘limitations’ in his ability to manage the country. 

100 days at the head of the country: Diomaye takes the exam

‘His outing revealed a conceptual weakness in his vision of the Senegal of tomorrow, marking his shortcomings in implementing the famous systemic transformation project. In other respects, his outing reveals a worrying lack of minimum control over the budget and its implementation rules’, stressed the former Secretary General of the Government.

Abdou Mbow: ‘It was the Executive of the Assembly that mandated the President of the Assembly’.
At this press conference, Abdou Mbow also took the floor to dissect the crisis between the National Assembly and the Prime Minister’s Office. For the chairman of the Benno parliamentary group, President Faye, the constitutional guarantor, should not have condoned the ‘irresponsible’ behaviour of his Prime Minister. He went on to correct a statement made by the Head of State: ‘Contrary to what President Diomaye said, it was the Bureau of the National Assembly that mandated the President of the National Assembly to find a consensual solution within the framework of the dialogue between the institutions.  Simply put the meeting between the President of the Republic and the President of the National Assembly was at the initiative of the National Assembly’, says the deputy spokesman of the Apr. For the time being, he adds, ‘no solution has yet been found to the problem of holding the Prime Minister’s Dpg’.

Read the column – Diomaye, President despite himself

While President Faye has made revelations about the management of political funds that have allegedly been used up, the Apr party dismissed these accusations, pointing out that ‘the budget funds mobilised are in accordance with the rules of budget implementation and do not represent fresh money available in the State coffers. According to the former ruling party, only ‘24.3% of the 2024 budget has been used to date’. What about stock security? ‘The country was well supplied with security reserves and oil was being unloaded regularly’, says Apr.
By Justin GOMIS /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH