Dr. Malick Diop on the Consequences of the Assault on his Fellow MP: Amy Ndiaye Gniby Risks Losing her Pregnancy

The health status of MP Amy NdiayeGniby, beaten by parliamentary colleagues, is still very fragile.Following her evacuation to the hospital, she is at risk of losing her 9-week, 11-day pregnancy.« I was supposed to speak yesterday, but at the time I was called, I was in the hospital with this woman who was assaulted by two men.One slapped her, the other kicked her.I come from the hospital and it is not obvious that she can keep her child, » informed Dr.MalickDiop, 3rdVice-President of the National Assembly and member of the parliamentary group Bennobokkyaakaar (Bby), who was at the bedside of his assaulted colleague.« I condemn this act.The woman is the nourishing sap of Senegal.You should not assault a woman.She is our mother, our sister, » the parliamentarian added.There were many MPs who deplored this act.According to Nicolas Ndiaye, MP and member of the Bby group, « neitherinsults should justify it, nor the behaviour of the President of the National Assembly, nor alleged violence or insults outside the Hemicycle.We always hear insults since this assembly exists, but this new level is an insult to the Senegalese people who elected the MPs, » said Mr.Ndiaye.Before inviting all democrats in the country to condemn their colleagues who were behind these acts.There were many MPs who deplored this act.According to Nicolas Ndiaye, MP and member of the Bby group, « neitherinsults should justify it, nor the behaviour of the President of the National Assembly, nor alleged violence or insults outside the Hemicycle.We always hear insults since this assembly exists, but this new level is an insult to the Senegalese people who elected the MPs, » said Mr.Ndiaye.Before inviting all democrats in the country to condemn their colleagues who were behind these acts.By Justin GOMIS / justin@lequotidien.sn