The State of Senegal should derive from the exploitation of its hydrocarbon deposits, revenues to the order of 20 trillionCFA francs over 30 years, corresponding to an average of 700 billion per year, we learnt from the Managing Director of Petrosen Exploration and Production, Thierno Seydou Ly. « It will be low at first because production is expected in the fourth quarter of 2023, but as time goes on, investments will be much more sustainable and there will be more profits to share. The peak is expected around the 2030s, before going down, » he said.

Thierno Seydou was debating of Senegal’s oil and gas projects, in SalyPortudal (Mbour), during an information sharing workshop of the Ministry of Oil and Energy, for the Collective of Economic Journalists of Senegal (Cojes). Over 30 years, « The State of Senegal will have as revenues on average, 700 billion CFA francs per year », derived from its various oil projects, including that relating to the Grand-Tortue deposit, on the Senegal-Mauritanian border.

In fact, « The cumulation of these revenues allows the State of Senegal to earn 52% on Sangomar and 64% on Grand Tortue, » added Thierno Seydou Ly. If we take the profits generated by the various oil and gas projects, « The state is in the majority with 52 to 64%, » of the revenues that should return to it, he said. « Petrosen has 10% at the beginning, while it can grow up to 20%. In addition, the State of Senegal, without investment, is entitled to a share of the profit generated by these resources, « said the Director General of Petrosen Ep.