Bandiaky, one of the former bodyguards of former President Macky Sall, is not to the taste of former MP Farba Ngom. He has announced that he will file a complaint with the new prosecutor of Mbour after a bailiff’s report. 

Former MP Farba Ngom has denounced the unexpected visit of the gendarmerie to his orchard in Bintegner, in the company of Jérôme Bandiaky, one of the former bodyguards of former President Macky Sall. “Once there, after having given their identity to the guards, they entered the house by breaking down the doors on the first and second floors.” « They broke down the locks, the doors, they visited the rooms, turned all the luggage upside down. I don’t know why they came to my orchard, because I didn’t receive any warning, » denounced Farba Ngom, who showed a video attesting to the presence of plainclothes gendarmerie elements in his orchard.

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He said he was not aware of this search by the gendarmerie. « They committed these acts in violation of the law, » he insisted in front of his many supporters who came to support him. However, he is pleased that these gendarmes found nothing at his home. The mayor of Agnam did not hide his concern. « After this intrusion, they can bring in weapons or Indian hemp and attribute paternity to me tomorrow, » he said.

He thinks that the Minister of the Interior, Jean-Baptiste Tine, who is a gendarme, a High Commander of the gendarmerie, « is not aware of what happened. » « It would surprise me if he was aware, because he is a republican, » said the MP. Farba Ngom promises to contact a bailiff today and file a complaint with the prosecutor of Mbour.

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« With the slogan Jub Jubbal Jubbanti, they should not have committed acts of this nature, » he said, directly attacking Ousmane Sonko, whom he asked to do better than President Macky Sall. Farba Ngom expressed his full support for Diomaye Faye government’s accountability approach. « I am for accountability. The one who has been entrusted with responsibilities must be accountable, » he maintained. However, he is opposed to the idea of ​​transforming « accountability into a settling of scores. »

By Justin GOMIS /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH