Alert on the presence of recruiting agents in areas adjacent to the borders between Senegal, Mali and Mauritania, in particular places located along the banks of Senegal such as Podor, Matam, Kanel, Bakel, Sélibaby. This information has been confirmed by the authorities and shows that candidates for immigration, cheated by promises of jobs in lucrative sectors, often end up in terrorist networks.

The smuggling of migrants would also cover jihadist recruitment. Le Quotidien has received information that sends shivers down your spine: along the two banks of the Senegal River, networks are developing for the recruitment of young people destined for terrorist groups. In Senegal, recruiters would have invested certain areas located in the departments of Podor, Matam, Kanel, Bakel, which straddle Mauritania and Mali. While in Mauritania, it is the areas located in the department of Sélibaby and also in certain large cities such as Nouakchott which are obviously affected.

In addition to the migratory routes, the recruiting sergeants have infiltrated young people who are unemployed or who have precarious jobs such as masons. They would offer them work contracts in other countries such as Mali or Cameroon. With advances of money solid enough to push them to give in to temptation.

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Often, they end up in the tri-border area where most terrorist groups nest. This shows that there are certainly relations at some level between migrant smugglers and armed groups that control portions of territory in the Sahel. Le Quotidien has authenticated testimonies from victims of these criminal networks. Fooled by offers that have nothing to do with the initial promises.

In any case, Le Quotidien seized the authorities responsible for public security. Of course, they confirm the existence of this situation. For the moment, they assure that actions are being taken to dismantle them thanks to the intelligence system. On the other hand, they also believe that it is necessary that families have an important role to play, while insisting on the importance of raising awareness.

You should know that a few months ago, a wind of panic had blown in part of Dandé Maayo, particularly in the department of Kanel, where it had been reported the presence of about twenty heavily armed men, who were scattered between Ngano, Bow and Soringho. Their traces have never been found, after they were seen in the area on Korité day.

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In its January 23 edition, Le Quotidien also revealed the arrest of three people in the town of Sadatou, in the east of the country. Presented as jihadists whose presence was reported in the area for a few weeks, they were chased by the populations. For some residents of the area, these alleged terrorists were preparing large-scale attacks. If two managed to lose their pursuers, under cover of the darkness, the third was not so lucky. He was lynched to death. The police dispatched to the scene found that the body was already buried. Some of his executioners explain that it was the best way to protect their area and prevent it from being used as a base for possible criminal operations in the country.

In February 2021, four men suspected of terrorism were arrested in Kidira, a locality in the eastern region of the country, then imprisoned for “criminal association” and “acts of support for terrorism”. In addition, jihadist propaganda images were found in their mobile phones. According to the investigations, the number of one of the suspects also appeared in a WhatsApp group linked to the Katiba Macina of Amadou Koufa, one of the main components of the Support Group for Islam and Muslims (Gsim), affiliated with Al-Qaida in the Sahel.

By Bocar SAKHO /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH / Serigne S. DIAGNE