The coalitions and political parties that will be on the starting line for the next legislative elections are known. The Minister of the Interior yesterday made public the decree on the applications received for this election. 41 lists were declared admissible and 10, including two departmental and diaspora lists, were rejected.

The Minister of the Interior yesterday published the decree publishing the declarations of candidacies received for the early legislative elections of November 17, 2024. It is noted in the document that 41 files were declared admissible and 10 inadmissible by the General Directorate of Elections (DGE). It is specified that those rejected have 24 hours to appeal to the Constitutional Council before the publication of the final list of candidates of coalitions and political parties authorized to seek votes of the Senegalese.

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In the order, the reasons why applications were declared inadmissible were given. Thus, the coalition « Alliance Samm Sunu Senegaal » was rejected « for having submitted an incomplete list in the proportional vote in violation of the provisions of Article L.173 of the Electoral Code », the independent entity Ethical and Republican Front with Mamadou Sidibé (Ferms) « for having submitted an incomplete proportional list with 15 titular deputies without a list of substitutes in violation of the provisions of Article L.173 of the Electoral Code ».

As for the political party “En avant ca kanaam”, the rejection is explained by the “non-presentation of the receipt confirmed by a certificate signed by the Director General of the Deposits and Consignations Fund, attesting to the deposit of the security provided for in Article L.175 of the Electoral Code and Article 4 of Decree No. 2024-1981 convening the electorate for the early legislative elections of Sunday, November 17, 2024”.  The On the March for the Renaissance of Senegal (MPR) political party is accused of « not having submitted a list of substitutes for both the proportional vote and the departmental majority vote in violation of article L.173 of the Electoral Code. »

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The independent candidacy of the Party for the Renovation and Emergence of Senegal was rejected “for having filed on October 1, 2024 at 11:58 a.m. in violation of the provisions of Article 7 of Decree No. 2024-1981 of September 13, 2024 convening the electorate for the early legislative elections of Sunday, November 17, 2024 and Article 4 of Order No. 023757 of September 19, 2024 establishing the commission for receiving candidacy declaration files for the early legislative elections of November 17, 2024 and establishing its organization and operation.” The file of the Coalition « Rv naatangue » was rejected « for non-compliance with parity on the list of substitutes of the proportional list, in violation of the provisions of article L.149 of the Electoral Code ».

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Still concerning the 10 files declared inadmissible, it is emphasized that that of « Takku Wallu Senegaal » was rejected « by majority vote in the department of Bakel for having invested only one candidate, both on the list of incumbents and on that of substitutes instead of the two provided for by decree n° 2024-1982 of September 13, 2024 on the distribution of seats of deputies to be elected by departmental majority vote for the early legislative elections of November 17, 2024, in violation of the provisions of articles L.149 and L.173 of the Electoral Code ».

The file of this same coalition is also rejected by « majority vote in the department of West Africa for having invested two candidates both on the list of incumbents and on that of substitutes, instead of the three provided for by decree no. 2024-1982 of September 13, 2024 on the distribution of seats of deputies to be elected by departmental majority vote for the early legislative elections of November 17, 2024, in violation of the provisions of articles L.149 and L.173 of the Electoral Code. »

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The same fate is also reserved for the Coalition « Defar sa gokh » in the majority vote in the department of Pikine « for not having submitted a list of substitutes in violation of the provisions of article L.173 of the Electoral Code ». This is also the case for the independent entity « Alsar » in the majority vote in the department of Thiès, « for having invested two candidates, both on the list of incumbents and on that of substitutes, instead of 4 provided for by decree no. 2024-1982 of September 13, 2024 relating to the distribution of seats of deputies to be elected by departmental majority vote for the early legislative elections of November 17, 2024, in violation of the provisions of articles L.149 and L.173 of the Electoral Code. »

By Dieynaba KANE /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH