President Sall wants to intensify the revival of the national economy. To this end, he gave several directives to the government.

Intensify the recovery of the national economy. This is Macky Sall‘s ambition. Thus he demanded yesterday, in the Council of Ministers, « Optimal implementation of the new Private Sector Development Strategy, the contents of which must be widely shared, under the supervision of the Prime Minister, before its validation by the end of 2022″.

The head of state, according to the statement, also « asked the government to strengthen the incentive system to improve the business environment to further mobilise Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), the Presidential Investment Council (CPI) in a new format and finalise the Investment Code ». To this end, President Sall stressed, according to the document, « Theessential place to be given to local content, at the level of the oil, gas and mining sectors in the development strategy of the private sector and to the valorisation of public procurement as an instrument of support for companies« . He also « invited the Prime Minister and the Ministers in charge of Finance, Economy and SMEs to consolidate sustained relations between the State and the national private sector in the spirit of the Emerging Senegal Plan and its next Priority Action Plan in formulation, and also to build a dynamic policy of innovative financing of the economy through renewed dialogue with the national banking ecosystem and operational consolidation pooling of the actions of the Guarantee Fund for Priority Investments (Fongip), “public banks” Housing Bank of Senegal (Bhs), The Agricultural Bank (LBA) and the National Economic Development Bank (Bnde)), investment doctrines of the Deposits and Consignments Fund (Cdc) and the Sovereign and Strategic Investments Fund (Fonsis)”.

The acceleration of project executions have a strong economic and social impact that has not been obscured. In this regard, Macky « recalled the priority nature of social and territorial equity in the implementation of public policies ». To this end, reports the government spokesman, « The Head of State asked the Prime Minister to take all the necessary measures to accelerate the execution of the various socio-economic projects (rural electrification, rural hydraulics, construction of access roads, schools, health and sports infrastructure …), already launched, in particular through territorial development programmes (Pudc, Puma, Promovilles, Pacasen, Pndl)».

In addition, « the President stressed the urgency of achieving universal access by the deadlines indicated, and of controlling, in a dynamic of optimisation of costs and associated financing, the territorial deployment of identified and planned infrastructure, taking into account the need to integrate into the governance of programmes and projects, the quality audit of works in order to guarantee their sustainability and the effectiveness of public expenditure’. The Prime Minister was also asked to carry out a monthly review, with the ministers and entities involved, of the state of implementation of basic socio-economic infrastructure projects, in the targeted priority localities, in relation to the territorial authorities and the partners concerned’.

By Dialigué FAYE / 

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH