The agents of the Koungheul Mobile Customs Brigade seized 210 packets of pure cocaine with a total weight of 235 kilograms, an estimated value of eighteen billion eight hundred million (18,800,000,000) CFA francs, learned the APS, Monday from a customs source. The seizure took place Sunday, around 10 am, following the targeting of a single-cabin L200 pick-up from a neighbouring country, specified the Communication and Public Relations Division of the General Directorate of Customs (DGD).

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In a press release, it emphasizes that the in-depth inspection of the vehicle body allowed customs officers to discover, between the chassis and the dumper, a hiding place in which the seized drug packets were hidden. The driver, of foreign nationality, was immediately arrested, and the investigation opened by the local Customs services is ongoing. 

The same source notes that customs units seized, between March and November 2024, a total of 2,114 kilograms of cocaine on the Dakar-Kidira corridor, representing, in countervalue, on the illicit market, more than one hundred and sixty-nine (169) billion CFA francs.

The Customs Administration « reaffirms its determination to combat transnational organized crime (TOC), particularly international drug trafficking. »