Scary. A new seizure of counterfeit bills worth 3 billion 447 million Cfa in Sénoba. This amount was seized following several operations in the same area, which has become a hot spot for money laundering. “The strengthening of the customs territory’s mesh, initiated in February 2024 by the Director General of Customs, is producing the expected results. Indeed, in less than three months of existence, the brand-new Sénoba Customs Commercial Brigade, Kolda Subdivision, Southern Customs Region, has just carried out a double currency seizure in black bills to the value of 3,205,000,000 CFA francs », reveals the Customs Communication and Public Relations Division.

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“The double operation follows intelligence reports of a plan to transfer and wash black banknotes by individuals operating in the south of the country. On the night of Monday May 6 to Tuesday May 7, at around 10pm, officers from the aforementioned unit tracked down and intercepted a first group of three people, including an individual claiming to belong to the Defense and Security Forces. The three counterfeiters were in possession of black banknote denominations of 500, 200 and 100 euros, worth 2,292 million CFA francs, and dollar denominations worth 913 million CFA francs, for a total of 3,205 million CFA francs. Also as part of this double operation, another individual was apprehended on Tuesday May 7 at around 3:30 pm with black banknote denominations worth 242 million Cfa francs.” They stated.

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It’s a veritable hub for counterfeit banknote trafficking. “In the space of a few months, the Sénoba Customs Commercial Brigade has seized over 9 billion 300 million CFA francs worth of black banknotes (900 million in January, 5 billion in April and 3,447,000,000 for the most recent)”, stated the Taxman’s Communications and Public Relations Division.

By Le Quotidien