“Refusal to plead” from her Counsels, Withdrawal of the Court-Appointed Lawyer: Ndèye Khady Ndiaye Left to her Fate

In criminal matters, no defendant should be tried without a lawyer, moreover before the Criminal Chamber. But, Ndèye Khady Ndiaye did not benefit from this law. The boss of the Sweet Beauty massage parlor, who appeared yesterday for « complicity in rape, incitement to debauchery and dissemination of images contrary to morality », was not assisted by her lawyers.
“Ndèye Khady has the right to a fair trial. Personally, I did not ask for a dismissal, because I was in the procedure from the start. But out of solidarity with our colleagues, who have just been formed and who need time to read the file, we will be obliged to withdraw, if you maintain your refusal to dismiss, « said Lawyer Ousseynou Gaye, who spoke on behalf of his colleagues.
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A decision that Judge Issa Ndiaye insisted on serving on the defendant, before asking the clerk to mention it in the report. “Ndèye Khady has lawyers who have decided not to plead. They decided to leave the room. It is a refusal to plead, it should be noted,” he stated. Before pointing out that “the refusal to plead is different from not having a lawyer”. And it is in this sense that he invited the representative of the Bar to come and see the sulking of the lawyers of Ndèye Khady Ndiaye. “I usually say that the Bar Association cannot replace the Court. The situation you describe can be explained legally. It is therefore up to your jurisdiction to draw all the legal consequences. And the Bar will do the same, for its part”, said Lawyer Ndiéguène in turn.
According to President Issa Ndiaye, even the assigned lawyer Malick Lô, also chose to sulk, like his colleagues who have been in this case from the start. This meant that Ndèye Khady Ndiaye was left to fend for herself to defend her own interests.
By Justin GOMIS / justin@lequotidien.sn