Removed from the Assembly, threatened at the town hall: Barth on Sall’s footing

Is Barthelemy Dias following in the footsteps of his political leader, Khalifa Sall? His removal from the list of MPs and the risk of losing the seat of mayor of the city of Dakar, through a revocation demonstrates how history risks repeating itself for the opponent. After his election as MP, Khalifa Sall ended up successively losing his mandate and that of mayor of the city of Dakar, due to a definitive conviction in the so-calledAdvance Funds of the City of Dakar affair, under the reign of President Macky Sall.
But, in the meantime, Ousmane Sonko and Barthelemy Dias are no longer in a duel between the two political adversaries.
After the electoral battle of November 17, it is time for a « fratricidal » war.
Between Ousmane Sonko and Barthélemy Dias. The first salvos were not long in coming. Since the first heavy shot – it came from the government – hit the mark. And Barthélemy Dias fell at Soweto Square. Following the request of the Minister of Justice to the National Assembly. Will he recover from this fall? The result of the appeal he intends to lodge with the Supreme Court will inform public opinion on his parliamentary future.
Read the column – Barthélemy Dias, first victim of Pastef’s cynicism
The pre-campaign was already a harbinger of the current tension between the two « brothers », formerly allies within the defunct electoral coalition Yewwi askan wi (Yaw), who became enemies, firstly because of the last political dialogue to which President Macky Sall invited the political class. The animosity continued with the dark path leading to the palace of the Republic.
Much water has flowed under the bridge. And the two opposing camps have never stopped sharpening their weapons. Each waiting for the right moment to hit their opposite number or their target. All under the gaze of the voters. Having finished doing their electoral cycle work, the two political gladiators have taken the option of meeting in the arenas. For the end of their « fratricidal » duel with strong technical-political arguments.
In front of his opponent Barthélemy Dias, who hammered home during the political campaign that he would sign the political death of Ousmane Sonko or the opposite, the leader of the « Patriots » did not react head-on. By one or more roundabout ways, he is unfolding his « plan » for the political liquidation of his opponent. After the removal of the MP, head of the list of the Coalition « Sam sa kaddu » from the National Assembly, one of Sonko’s protégés, Ngagne Demba Touré, came out of the woodwork on Tuesday to predict the revocation of their former ally from his position as elected official of the City of Dakar, with legal arguments on the table.
Touched, Barthélemy Dias does not want to be sunk with his chair as mayor of the City of Dakar. Knowing that the opposing camp will not lack legal « tricks and trips », the mayor of Dakar is sparing his mount, by displaying his determination not to give up his functions as the first mandate of the Dakar citizens.
The fight to « strip » Barth’ of the Dakar City Hall and, by extension, the future control of the latter by the ruling party, Pastef, will not be easy. With the determination that characterizes them after 8 months at the head of the country, the Prime Minister, Ousmane Sonko, and his supporters will not skimp on legal and political means to offer themselves a boulevard that should lead them to settle in the City Hall of the capital. If we know that the « Patriots » still consider that the seat occupied by Dias remains « legitimately » theirs. Hence their strong conviction that the time for its retrocession has come. This, once enacted, should mean, for them, the end… politically of an adversary, who continues to challenge their determination to want to bury him politically.
By Mamadou T. DIATTA /