Return from Mecca: Covid-19 in pilgrims’ luggage

The first pilgrims to Mecca returned home on Saturday, relieved to have completed this 5th pillar of Islam during a pilgrimage made more testing by the heat wave.
It’s the end of the 5th pillar of Islam for Senegalese pilgrims. The first flight, operated by Air Sénégal and named Sine-Saloum, landed at 5:25 a.m. at Blaise Diagne International Airport, carrying 285 passengers. Welcoming the passengers was Malick Ndiaye, Minister of Infrastructure and Land and Air Transport, accompanied by the managing directors of Anacim, Las, Aibd and Air Sénégal, among others. « We are delighted to welcome you. I would like to present the condolences of the Head of State of Senegal following the recall to God of Senegalese pilgrims in Mecca. This year, there are difficulties inherent in the organization of the Hajj, but we are going to make a rapid assessment of this edition to ensure that future pilgrimages to Mecca are well organized », promised Mr. Ndiaye.
Resurgence of Covid-19
Obviously, the relief was palpable, even if the returning pilgrims had masked faces. At the Hangar, health facilities were set up at reception, with several health agents, ambulances and a mobile laboratory. Dr Bernabé Gningue, Director General of Public Health, advised « pilgrims to watch out for certain symptoms during the next two weeks after their return, and if necessary to contact the health structures which have received instructions to this effect ». A rate varying between 20 and 60% of positivity to the coronavirus, has been diagnosed in pilgrims returning from the holy places of Islam, depending on the flight, said Charles Bernard Sagna, head physician of the air border health control service at Blaise Diagne International Airport (Aibd).
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« We have just received the results from the laboratory that tests Covid-19, and we have between 20 and 60% of pilgrims positive for the coronavirus, depending on the flights returning from the Holy Places of Islam, » Mr. Sagna told Aps.
« I therefore invite pilgrims, who will be leaving Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, to wear the mask before entering their respective aircraft and to continue to wear it once in Senegal, within the community and at home, to avoid a spread of the disease, » he launched.
« I invite pilgrims returning from Mecca to wear the protective mask for at least two weeks », he insisted.
According to him, « the aim of these preventive measures against this disease is to avoid an uncontrollable epidemic in the country ». « There are therefore grounds for concern with regard to pilgrims arriving in the country », he alerted.
And, precised that, at this stage, it would be « very difficult to give an exact figure for the number of pilgrims positive for the coronavirus, because the laboratory in charge of testing works in sequence, and we compile and send the results to the Ministry of Health. So for the moment, at my level, I can’t say exactly how many cases are positive. I can only give the rate of positivity per flight« , he added.
The doctor urged returning pilgrims to get in touch with the nearest health facility, should they develop a fever and breathing difficulties.
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At the Aibd Pilgrims Hangar, where the largest number of pilgrims from the General Delegation of Pilgrimage arrive, he said, « we have a health system in place, with mobile teams moving to the planes to provide pilgrims with masks ». « We have also set up an emergency system to deal with complicated cases as soon as they get off the plane. We also suggest that pilgrims get tested, » he added. « This is a strong recommendation from the authorities, in strict compliance with the common rules of life in the country, because for us, we need to avoid large-scale contamination in the country », he pointed out.
« We’re going to enable pilgrims to screen themselves further for Covid-19 and the symptoms of the disease, » he added. To date, Aibd has registered seven flights returning from the holy sites of Islam in Saudi Arabia. This year, Senegal’s quota amounts to 12,860 pilgrims, including 1,860 for the General Delegation for Pilgrimage, with the remainder transported by private tour operators.
By Ousmane SOW