He had announced a government of combat, and he is giving it a substantial budget for next year’s battles. As a priority, social demand and the high cost of living, which will take up almost half of the resources.

The government of combat seeks to engage in the battle of solidarity. By announcing a proposed budget of 6400 billionFCFA for the next financial year, the Head of State wants to give himself the means to win the fight against the high cost of living and for social equity. He knows that the 15 steps enacted to reduce the harmful effects of the rise in the prices of everyday consumer products need significant financial resources, which cannot always be found with partners who, for their part, are also plagued by their own difficulties, sometimes of the same order.

This is why the Head of State and the government of Amadou Ba count on, from next year, the start of the exploitation of the gas of Grande Tortue Ahmeyin (Gta) and Sangomar, a growth rate of more than 10%, a first in the history of independent Senegal. A significant jump compared to this year’s budget, which is projected at 4.8%, despite a rather difficult economic situation, which has seen the State renounce on many tax revenues to give respite to companies and households. Next year’s strong GDP growth may generate enough resources to enable the public authorities to meet the different needs of the population.

The communiqué of the Council of Ministers, published yesterday, stresses that the Head of State has given « instructions for a budget of solutions », which will be able to provide effective responses to the problems created by rising prices and inflation that lead to an increase in the cost of living, to which is added a strong appreciation of the dollar.

And given that some needs will have to be quickly taken care of, the Council’s communiqué indicates: « The Head of State noted in particular the consolidation of our budgetary sovereignty with a coverage rate of public expenditure from internal resources to the order of 83%, allowing the strengthening of national solidarity and social inclusion policies. In this spirit, the President of the Republic indicated the need to ensure the protection of consumers and households and the continuation of the major projects of the Plan Sénégal Emergent within the framework of the 2023 Finance Law. »A way of saying that the bulk of government spending will be focused on subsidising essential products and services, health and social equity issues. Moreover, social spending is projected at 2043 billion in the 2023 budget. For the current budget, they were estimated at 1531 billion FCFA. As we can see, this was not negligible. Unfortunately, the shocks produced by the Ukrainian crisis, adding to the management of Covid, have been such that the state’s efforts have not been sufficiently felt.

We may not like Macky Sall, but it is difficult to dispute that since he took power, he has pursued a policy strongly oriented towards solidarity. President Sall‘s efforts in health care coverage, electricity and access to water, even for the poorest populations and those furthest from major urban centres, cannot be denied. In 2012, he found a budget of less than 2500 billion, which he now brings to more than 6000 billion which are devoted to the social and solidarity development of the country. A policy that almost turns to his calling, and which is not denied in the 2023 budget, which devotes 45% of the state’s resources to social issues. As they say in the auctions, « who says better?« 

By Mohamed GUEYE / mgueye@lequotidien.sn

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH / Serigne S. DIAGNE