The Head of State yesterday indicated to the government the urgency of re-establishing the policy of national solidarity and social protection through better targeting and pooling of public interventions with the poorest and most vulnerable sections of our society. »

Significant progress has been made in Senegal in the fight against poverty and inequality.

Despite everything, efforts still need to be made. Questioning the effectiveness of the public national solidarity system, the Head of State yesterday indicated to the « government the urgency of rebuilding the national solidarity and social protection policy through better targeting and pooling of public interventions with the poorest and most vulnerable sections of our society ». According to the press release from the Council of Ministers, Bassirou Diomaye Faye « insisted on the urgent need to update and expand to new beneficiaries the programs of family security scholarships, equal opportunity cards, universal health coverage and social transfers in general ».  Which, according to the President of the Republic, « should ensure, in the short term, a convergence of objectives and a sustained optimization of resources generally intended for social protection. »

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The Head of State, the document underlined, « also asked the Minister of Labour to ensure the prospective evaluation of sectoral social protection policies and programs in accordance with international standards. In this regard, he recalled the importance of regularly updating the Single National Register (RNU), of reviewing the application of the Social Orientation Law No. 2010-15 of July 6, 2010 relating to the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as the upcoming finalization of the Single Social Security Code to facilitate the pooling of activities of the Social Security Fund (CSS) and the Senegalese Retirement Insurance Institute (Ipres).

On this subject, he stressed the need for the government to initiate strategic thinking on the management of pensions in Senegal.

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Referring to the strategic importance of livestock farming on our food sovereignty policy, President Faye « asked the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Livestock Farming, and the Secretary of State in charge of farmers’ organizations to finalize, with the stakeholders in the sectors, the consensual evaluation of the programs, projects and concession agreements in the field of livestock farming and animal production. He stressed the need, as indicated in the Project, to ensure, in the medium term, the coverage of Senegal’s needs in livestock products and to limit, in the long term, imports which weigh heavily on our country’s trade balance. »

By Dialigué FAYE /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH