Sonko Evacuated to Principal: Quite a Hunger Strike!

Ousmane Sonko’s health has deteriorated. The Pastef party holds « Macky and his regime accountable. » Sonko observes, according to sources, a semi-hunger strike. On Saturday he had breakfast. He is currently at the Principal Hospital in Dakar.
Ousmane Sonko is admitted to the emergency section of the Principal Hospital in Dakar. The « Patriots » hold « Macky and his regime » responsible, whom they continue to accuse of « arbitrarily » imprisoning their leader. Sonko was admitted to the Principal Hospital after saying he is feeling unwell! The Dap (Department of Prison Administration), who did not want to take any risks, accepted his evacuation at his request! His attending physician (Dr Cissé) had advised him not to go on or continue his hunger strike. According to sources, he had breakfast on Saturday and then refused lunch! He is not on a full hunger strike. Because he drinks. Since his arrest, Ousmane Sonko has chosen to go on a semi-hunger strike to challenge it.
Ousmane Sonko was arrested on July 31 for « calling for insurrection, criminal association, attack on state security, criminal association in connection with a terrorist enterprise, conspiracy against the authority of the State, acts and manoeuvres to compromise public security, theft and dissemination of false news”.
The public prosecutor maintained that for 2 years, Ousmane Sonko has been making insurrectionary speeches which have led to a series of violent demonstrations, which have seriously disturbed « public order, thus increasing the toll of looting and destruction of public property and private ». Thus, from February 2021 where he had made these remarks: “the fight promises to be deadly; the word is not too much. We are no longer in the time of the sitting room revolt; we will resist by all possible means. The confrontation starts tomorrow », passing through his meeting in Keur Massar in March 2023 where he theorized the « Gatsa gasta », without forgetting May 2023 where he asked young people to rally « Dakar for the final fight » until July 29, according to the prosecutor, these speeches had consequences. Abdou Karim Diop links the « Mortal Kombat », « Special Forces » and « Commando Pastef » files and Sonko’s calls.
For Abdou Karim Diop, « all these procedures converge on the Pastef party led by Ousmane Sonko for calling for insurrection, association of criminals, attack on state security, conspiracy against state authority, acts and manoeuvres to compromise public security and create serious political disturbances, association of criminals in connection with a terrorist enterprise, but also purse robbery”.
By Malick GAYE /