To prevent the ongoing crisis in Medina Gounass from having an echo across the border, the President of Guinea-Bissau has decided to close part of the border with Senegal. He took this measure after “one of the communities called for reinforcement” of talibés living in Guinea-Bissau. “I immediately took the decision to close this part of the border to prevent any escalation of violence,” he said. “The Security Forces of my country will ensure scrupulous compliance with this measure,” he assured. Especially since Senegal and Guinea-Bissau share around 300 km of border.

Bloody clashes after Tabaski prayers: Médina Gounass did not feast

It must be noted that the religious town of Medina Gounass, located in the Kolda region, was on Monday the scene of clashes between the faithful of the local caliph, Thierno Amadou Tidiane Bâ, and the marabout Thierno Mounirou Baldé. The clashes left one dead and around twenty injured.

By Abdoulaye FALL /