The General Kandé Affair : The State on a minefield
The director of publication of La Tribune returns to the SR, Le Quotidien’s summoned this morning.
The summoning of the directors of publication of La Tribune (placed in police custody yesterday) and Le Quotidien today has prompted a reaction from the Coordination of Press Associations (Cap). In a press release, it calls on the new authorities to learn from their recent past.
By Mame Woury THIOUBOU – The summons to the gendarmerie of the editors of Le Quotidien and La Tribune has prompted a reaction from the Coordination of Press Associations (Cap). In a press release, it expresses its “regret” and “sadness” at once again seeing journalists summoned. “The Cap deeply regrets the resumption of summonses of journalists in the exercise of their duties. We are all the more saddened that this is happening less than two months after a new regime has taken office, whose main leaders are the living symbols of these liberticidal and retrograde laws against freedom of expression », denounced the organization.
“We invite the new authorities to be reasonable and to learn from their own past, which is too recent to be forgotten”, invited Cap. The organization reminds the new authorities of the existence of the Council for the Observation of the ethics and deontology in the media (Cored). A body set up, Cap stresses, “precisely to deal with all grievances against information professionals”. Cap also points out that “victims” of publication of “information deemed to be false, whether state or non-state, should use the right of reply to set the record straight”.