A candidature declared 18 months before the deadline is not very common. Especially given that even if not said, it was already obvious to everyone. What’s the need to rush it then?  One can imagine that such operation was not only aimed at the public, but rather intended to serve internal communication needs, first to the Pastef party itself, and then to the coalition and inter-coalition.

In a context where Ousmane Sonko could not validate his candidacy for the national deputation, he found himself somewhat in a position of weakness compared to some of his lieutenants, especially those who were elected.

Is it to make everyone understand that the victory of Yewwi askan wi (Yaw) was, first of all, an achievement of his person, that he led a presidential campaign for these legislative elections, totally eclipsing the candidates on his list, even at the departmental level?  In any case, Ousmane Sonko and his appendix, Khalifa Sall, were the most active non-candidates in the campaign trail. As soon as the campaign ended, the redistribution of roles within the alliances has already begun. 

It is an open secret that President Abdoulaye Wade breathes only with the hope of seeing his offspring Karim return to lead a triumphant presidential campaign for the Palace on Senghor Avenue.  For this result, he is ready to compromise everything, except to accept that his son rallies behind another candidate. And Taxawu Senegaal is also in a similar position.

For Khalifa Sall and Barthélemy Dias, it is unimaginable that a presidential election would take place in this country without a « socialist » candidate from their side.  The fact of having won Dakar has also strongly revived their appetites, to the point that we heard Mr. Dias reaffirm that Khalifa Sall is his only candidate for 2024. However, if Yaw has 3 potential candidates in the making, could this dispersion not cost them dearly?  Here lies the advantage of declaring your candidacy very early.  You place on your partners the obligation to position themselves in regard to your statements and on the basis of your proposals.

Ousmane Sonko tried a beautiful poker move.  Remains to be seen whether his allies will follow or fold.

By Mohamed GUEYE / mgueye@lequotidien.sn