Thirteen civil society organisations and two personalities have called on the authorities to respect the rights of citizens, within the framework of accountability.  They are protesting against the treatment of certain members of the former regime, who were barred from leaving the country without prior judicial notification. 

Civil society calls for respect for citizens’ rights. This call, contained in a press release follows the bans on leaving the national territory imposed on certain personalities of the former regime. And this, within the framework of accountability.

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« Due to its commitment to the fundamental values ​​of justice, equity and respect for the rights and duties of citizens, Civil Society welcomes any initiative aimed at strengthening the integrity of our institutions through responsible management of public affairs, » hey said. « Indeed, accountability, a pillar of democracy and social justice, must be based on solid legal foundations. To date, we have been able to observe that bans on leaving the country are being applied to people without any administrative or judicial decision previously notified to the persons concerned, allowing them to possibly seek a defence through appropriate means of appeal, » stated the civil society organisations. « These practices, although they may be motivated by precautionary measures to safeguard public security and preserve national interests, risk undermining confidence in institutions and infringing on the rights of the persons concerned, » they warned.

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“However, precautionary measures such as restrictions on freedom, including travel bans, must be based on clear and transparent legal provisions, respecting the constitutional rights of citizens,” these members of Civil Society stressed.  And called on “all competent authorities to ensure that accountability is carried out within a legal and fair framework, guaranteeing both the protection of the public interest and respect for fundamental rights.”

« In this sensitive context, civil society encourages the State to adopt a prudent approach that respects the rule of law in order to avoid any climate of mistrust or suspicion that could weaken social cohesion, » noted the organizations that signed the press release.

By Amadou MBODJI /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH