With the death of Soro Diop, a part of the history of Le Quotidien also collapses. From Sodida to Cité Djily Mbaye, via Cité Adama Diop, the echoes of his loud bursts of laughter always filled the corridors of the various headquarters of the newspaper. On the balconies of the newspaper’s headquarters, cup of coffee in hand, Soro Diop, head of the political desk, always pointed reporters to the right direction, with a legendary and contagious smile. He did not need to scold anyone to be obeyed: his kindness and generosity were enough for him to be followed. To pay tribute to him, Le Quotidien has opened its columns to our former collaborators and also spiritual sons, who are in other spheres and newsrooms. Their tributes are at the height of his talent: Unique. The testimonies on SoroDiop, who died following an accident on the night of Friday to Saturday, are unanimous: he was a good man, a brilliant journalist.Former colleagues pay tribute to the memory of the former head of Le Quotidien‘s political desk.People are breaking down…At the morgue of the Main Hospital of Dakar, the public is frozen in pain: the brutal death of SoroDiop, killed in a traffic accident in the night of Friday to Saturday, left everyone speechless.There were journalists, politicians, officers of the Army and the gendarmerie at the funeral of the former head of the Political Desk of Le Quotidien.Sad faces, trembling voices, SoroDiop‘s friends were devastated.But people can take solace in his legacy.Immense.Heavy to carry…SidikiKaba, floored by the death of his Communications Advisor for 8 years, bowed in memory of his talent.They worked together in the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Armed Forces.« This night of September 24, 2022, will remain unforgettable for me, because it was the bearer of terrible news that struck me with pain.The suddenness and brutality shook me and paralysed my sleeping body, as it announced itself late at night.I am devastated by the pain because SoroDiop accompanied me with faith and commitment, everywhere in my ministerial missions, » said Mr.Kaba.SoroDiop was a « fine scholar, and a free spirit who broke his talented pen ».« He dazzled with the power of his ideas, the elegance of his style and the fluidity of his speech.He was a team player.He knew how to mutualise.He knew how to share.He was an important pillar of this beautiful and dynamic team that was brilliantly coordinated by Chief of Staff, Mrs.AminataFall Cissé. »For him, the death of SoroDiop is an immeasurable loss.« I lose, we lose, a generous, available and helpful brother.His white teeth that illuminated his face revealed the purity of his heart, which leaves no room for hatred, wickedness or resentment.He was fine.And he was a good man.He was serious in the sense given to him by Maurice Marleau de Ponty, which distinguishes the serious man from the man who takes himself seriously. »In echo, Soro‘s older brother continues: « All his friends are here.His friends from the village, and from here.His friends in the press.This is Soro.A good man is gone.We will learn to deal with it, but the void he leaves will never be filled… »He shortens his speech.It was almost agony.He cracks on the shoulders of an acquaintance.The atmosphere is heavy.There floats a sense of sadness at the hospital’s morgue, which has become so small to contain a huge world.It’s 12:34 p.m….The farewell to SoroDiop, a « sublimable » pen, is over.He ends earth journey in Kanel where he was buried on Sunday.How is it possible?By Bocar SAKHO / bsakho@lequotidien.sn 

  • Translation By Ndey T. SOSSEH / Serigne S. DIAGNE