At the African Union Conference on positive masculinity, held in Diamniadio, the Head of State called for « action against all forms of violence against women and girls ».Zero tolerance for violence against women and girls.This is the message launched by the President of the Republic at the opening of the African Union Conference on positive masculinity, which is being held in Diamniadio.MackySall declared: « After the Kinshasa Conference, whose Declaration and call to action were endorsed by the African Union Summit last February, the way is paved for the elaboration of a Convention on the fight against violence against women. » For M. Sall, « Dakar must capitalise on this dynamic so that this meeting is not a fad that vanishes with the end of its work, but the catalyst of positive energies at the national and continental level for zero tolerance against violence against women and girls. »This meeting, in the opinion of the Head of State, is held to « raise awareness, but also to act against all forms of violence against women and girls ».In his speech, he recalled: « This violence is not only physical.It is also moral, through harassment, threats, insults and other derogatory or humiliating remarks that hurt as much, if not more, than physical violence. »He added that « fighting against these practices of another age is all the more just and legitimate because no religion, no law, no social rule glorifies violence against a human being ».In short, he said, « There can be no legal or moral basis for violence in any form. »MackySall, who called for unity of action to put an end to this violence, believes that « all together, public authorities, religious and traditional leaders, members of civil society and citizens, we must raise our voices and say enough! »And to insist: « Enough mistreatment, enough abuse, enough harassment, enough bullying, insanity, rape and other unwanted solicitations. »However, Sall pointed out that, « it is not enough to say it’s enough ».According to him, « We must act, act so that the omerta of silence ends, in times of peace as in times of war ».The Head of State, who spoke about international instruments such as the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which aims to eliminate all forms of violence against women, also referred to the measures taken at the national level, including « the law criminalising acts of rape and paedophilia, the specific guide for dealing with violence against women and girls by law enforcement agencies, the portal of the Child Protection Support Unit, dedicated to the reporting of images of sexual abuse of children, the pilot police station of Mbao, which integrates the specific nature of women into its organisation, functioning and reception of women and girls who are victims of violence ».Beyond laws and regulations, MackySall believes that « what will count above all is the evolution of minds ».He explains: « The evolution of women’s and girls’ minds towards themselves, and the evolution of men’s minds towards women and girls, to strengthen equality in law and social complementarity between men and women. »Returning to positive masculinity, the President of the Republic wants to make it « a new state of mind for a fairer and more welcoming society for women and girls ».By Dieynaba KANE /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH