Islamist Tariq Ramadan not only supports Ousmane Sonko, he also clearly threatens Mouride and Tidiane religious leaders who do not support him. Ramadan’s links with Qatar, through the Muslim Brotherhood, are well known. Hence the urgent need for the various players to clarify the nature of their relations.

This has been the hot topic of conversation in certain political and diplomatic circles in Dakar since last Wednesday. « Qatar’s money is flooding Senegal to convince the Mourides to vote for Ousmane Sonko », writes the French weekly Le Canard Enchaîné in its latest edition. And everyone who talks about it points out that Le Canard is generally well-informed. The proof is that it has almost never lost a case in its more than hundred-year history.

In government circles, the Muslim Brotherhood – or at least its branches in Senegal – have been under close surveillance for some time. These people indicate that the State is not insensitive to the appeals made by well-known figures in the movement, such as Tariq Ramadan, who for years has been trying to give the movement a more attractive face to the Western world and Europe in general.

Politics banned in Touba: The Fatwa

Nevertheless, the latest outbreak of violence in Senegal in June has brought down some masks. Tariq Ramadan warned the Mouride and Tidiane Khalifas General. Giving them a number of recommendations to deal with the current events, the man who describes himself as Emeritus Professor of Islamic Studies said: « …If the Khalifas did not play this role and did not bring to Senegal this voice of dignity, justice and political transparency, they would be acting against the principles of Islam, against the future of Senegal and against the credibility of their respective brotherhoods. » And he concludes with this comminatory statement: « They have the choice between their honour, and – in the long run – their loss ». Tariq Ramadan’s links with the Qatar-backed Muslim Brotherhood are well known. He is one of their ideologues who is « least hated » by the West. A showcase of respectability.

It is quite admirable to see someone who, ideologically, considers that the Sufi brotherhoods in Senegal do not conform to Islam, worry about their « honour » and even the survival of our religious dignitaries.

Read the column: After the Demonstrations, the Ultra-Banditry Syndrome Brews in Senegal

But we also know that our Islamists find no disgrace in practising « Taqiya », a strategy that allows them, when they are in a minority, to conceal their convictions until such time as they are in a position to display them publicly. This is how we have seen their national champion display Mouride convictions that were unknown to him less than 5 years ago. He has gone so far as to reduce the goatee on his chin. But the real question is whether he has renounced the financial support of the foreign backers who have lent him money.

What is verifiable is that the authorities are seeking to dry up the various channels through which the Pastef party’s coffers are supplied from abroad. For many, the funds transported in this way had no transparent traceability.

By Mouhamed GUEYE /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH