Presidential candidate Thierno Alassane Sall has described the Constitutional Council’s decision to cancel the postponement of the presidential election as a « great victory ». TAS considers that there is now a « Macky Sall precedent ». This will be the case « every time some country’s apprentice dictators want to violate the Constitution ».  He also referred to « the response of the Senegalese people and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Council ».

The decision was commented on by political players. « This is undoubtedly one of Senegal’s greatest victories in a very long time. In Africa and around the world, it will resonate strongly for a long time to come. From now on, the precedent set by Macky Sall, the response of the Senegalese people and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Council will be cited as an example every time some country’s apprentice dictators want to violate the Constitution », said Thierno Alassane Sall in a press release. The leader of The Republic of Valeurs believes that « Macky Sall seemed to forget that we are a great nation, trying to reduce the People to mere subjects by orchestrating a constitutional putsch in broad daylight. But the clear-sightedness of the judges of the Constitutional Council, despite attempts to discredit them, prevailed ».

Decision of the 7 « Wise Men »: Macky Submits

Aly Ngouille Ndiaye is delighted. « I welcome this historic decision by the Constitutional Council, which has just ruled on the law. This decision puts our legal and constitutional organisation in order, so as to avoid setting precedents in Senegal that could lead to institutional instability », said the former Minister of the Interior and Agriculture, and candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

By Malick GAYE /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH