Accusations Against Sonko: Adji Sarr Does Not Rub Her Words

Adji Sarr prays fervently for « a public trial » with Ousmane Sonko, while the defence wants a dismissal in this case of « rape and death threats ». In a statement made yesterday, which sounds like a response to comments made the day beforeby Ousmane Sonko, the accuser strongly charged the leader of the Pastef party by calling him all sorts of names.AdjiSarr returned to her charges and to reply to OusmaneSonko who earlier made a televised statement to give his version following their confrontation before the Dean of the judges.“I call for a public trial.I remain firm on my position, determined to go to trial,” expressed the ex-young masseuse of the “Sweet Beauty” salon.In her statement posted online yesterday, she wanted to end this affair and to resume her life, she said.OusmaneSonko in his post-confrontation videohad praised the courtesy of his accuser during the face-to-face.“My accuser was correct, she spoke correctly.She didn’t say anything inappropriate about me or my lawyers.She didn’t disrespect anyone, starting with me.I ask her parents to do everything to get their daughter out of this situation which is beyond her.She’s under enormous pressure, threats.Don’t let your daughter be manipulated by politicians,” the leader of the Pastef party said.AdjiSarr replied: “You surprised me yesterday (ed.Tuesday).You didn’t have the courage to face me.When you also say that you answered the questions, it is false.You did not answer any questions, as you said in your statement.So what did you come to do in Court?If there is an irresponsible father, an irresponsible husband, it is you.My relationship with my parents is not your problem.Me, my father is more responsible than you.Your story will be known to all your descendants.”Adding: “My father never abused someone else’s daughter.”On Sonko‘s accusations relating to the supposed plotters who allegedly manipulated AdjiSarr, the latter retorted: « OusmaneSonko, I would like you to understand once and for all that I do not know these people whom you keep accusing.On the other hand, you, I know you.”AdjiSarr still maintains her accusations against the leader of the Pastef party.“OusmaneSonko, I am speaking to you.It was you who came to cause me harm at Sweet Beauty.The child to whom you gave orders, the little one you raped, it’s over.You abused me.By filing a complaint against you, if I knew it was going to lead to all this damage in the country, I would never have sued you.But as we have come to this, I repeat, it is today that I need a trial more than ever,” she said.Very comfortable in her words, Miss Sarr affirmed, still addressing OusmaneSonko: “The child you abused yesterday has grown up.Yesterday you said I’m polite.But my politeness is known to all but your supporters.If your followers had any respect for you, they would never have called me a prostitute.Because it shows that you were dating prostitutes.”AdjiSarr even wondered how OusmaneSonko was able to speak outside, when in front of the judge, « I didn’t even hear what you were whispering, to the point that the judge had to ask you to raise your voice ».The question is whether the Dean of the judges will let the two protagonists continue their procedure through the media, or he will decide to call them to the bar.Or resort to a third possibility.