A very powerful Prime Minister, Ousmane Sonko has put a team of 20 advisors at the Prime Minister’s Office in the fields of defense, security, diplomacy, health, mines, oil, finance and budget. They will act as focal points for the ministers and secretaries of state on all technical issues falling within the remit of each department.
Forming a tandem with President Diomaye Faye, the Prime Minister has expanded his team of advisors. The government wants better coordination of its activities. This is the purpose of the circular of June 19 signed « for the Prime Minister and by delegation the Director of Cabinet ». The document, intended for ministers and secretaries of state, states that « as part of the organization, coordination and communication between the various government entities, advisors have been appointed to the Prime Minister’s Office ».
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These 20 professionals will be the « referents » of the entities concerned « for all technical questions relating » to their « sector, thus facilitating close and effective collaboration with the Prime Minister’s Office ». In addition, the circular invites the advisors to « make contact » with their « close collaborators and provide any support required ». These are personalities who will act as referents in the fields of communication, planning, international cooperation, diplomacy, special programs, mining and oil, finance and budget, and health. The team also includes advisors on social dialogue, health, employability, employment, sanitation and the environment, and defense….
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In short, a beefed-up team to enable him to « optimize » his relations with the ministers and secretaries of state, which is almost the size of the government, with 25 ministers and 5 secretaries of state.
By Dieynaba KANE / dkane@lequotidien.sn
- Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH