Republican cadres have called on democrats to free the President of the Republic, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, from the “yoke” of the Pastef party leader Ousmane Sonko, who is also Prime Minister. The communiqué issued by the Apr National Executive Secretariat (Sen) following rhe arrest of republican activist Bah Diakhaté, has prompted his party comrades to adopt a radical stance against the new regime, in order to persuade it to release him.

The Alliance for the Republic (Apr) has started picking quarrels with the President of the Republic, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, and, beyond that, with his original political party, Pastef. This has been the case since the arrest of Republican activist Bah Diakhaté, following his post against Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko and those close to him. Former President Macky Sall’s party has decided to wage a political “war” with a radical stance, determined to strike back blow for blow. In other words, “gatsa gatsa”, as other would have said. In any case, the tone of the press release issued yesterday reflects this observation. In their document, the Republican executives call for the “liberation” of President Bassirou Diomaye Faye from the “control” of the leader of the “Patriots”, Ousmane Sonko.

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After “a motion of support for comrade Bah Diakhaté, the first political prisoner of President Bassirou Diomaye Faye’s first forty-five days, the Ccr calls on all party cadres and democrats to mobilize to free the President of the Republic from the grip of the Pastef party president, who is exercising the ‘function’ of ‘de facto President’”. Thus, demonstrating that the Head of State, chosen by his fellow citizens on the evening of March 24, is acting under the dictates of his political mentor and head of government.

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The same tempo is maintained by Macky Sall’s comrades, as they go on to mention, with reference to the country’s Fundamental Charter: “In the same vein, the executives of the Alliance for the Republic remind the President of the Republic that he is constitutionally the sole trustee of the votes of the Senegalese people and must ensure that the country’s blazon is not tarnished by diplomatic cacophony at the top of the State.” A “salty” remark, which refers to the latest audiences granted by Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko to the heads of diplomatic missions of Senegal’s significant partner countries in various bilateral fields.

Economic measures hailed

In addition to these appeals and special remarks, the Convergence des republican cadres also welcomed a number of economic decisions taken by the new authorities. These include the launch of the Rapid Transit Bus (Brt) service. On this subject, the organization headed by the former Minister of Health and Social Action, Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr, pointed out: “The Ccr is delighted with the start-up of Brt operations and the prospect of reinforcing the urban transport fleet with gas-powered buses, in line with the flagship projects of the Pse.”

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Appreciating the measures taken to prevent flooding and prepare for Tabaski; the agricultural campaign, the members of the Ccr are asking “the government for concrete results in these matters”.

“The National Executive College of the Ccr congratulates the Ccrd for their activities to remobilize the base and asks the party to convene the National Executive Secretariat to evaluate the life of the party in order to clarify perspectives”, the republican executives concluded.

By Mamadou T. DIATTA /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH