First Outing of the 5th President: Diomaye Carries the Project

If Ousmane Sonko is the creator of the « Project », Bassirou Diomaye Faye, elected President of the Republic on 24 March, will have to be its executor to make the dreams of thousands of young people a reality, as they wriggle with joy at the prospect of a future they hope to be flourishing.
Long live the President: Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye is now Senegal’s 5th Head of State! His election was a resounding victory in the first round, and the congratulations have been pouring in for BDF, who has pulled off a masterstroke in his first attempt. If he is Sonko’s « Plan B », who chose him, supported him and accompanied him to the final consecration, he is at the same time the elected representative of the « Project ». We shall soon see the contours of this project, as the appointment of his Prime Minister and government team in the next few days will give a clear indication of its direction.
For ‘BDF’, it’s a consecration at a relatively young age (44), but that no longer matters. Neither re the questions about his stature nor the strength of his shoulders to carry these expectations. All these questions have been swept aside by the Senegalese people, who decided to try out the « Project », after a massive and unambiguous vote. Millions of young people are enthusiastic about it. He will have to carry this hope forward and tend these people’s gardens of dreams. Their eyes sparkle with joy. They glow with expectation and hope that a new future is at hand after they have brought down « the system » and won their « independence ». This is the story of the victory of the wreckers of the « system ».
Bassirou Diomaye Faye, 5th President of Senegal: Macky and Amadou Ba Congratulate him
Today, the « Djakartisation » of the streets of Dakar and other towns in the interior is an indicator of a serious problem with the training and qualifications of young people, despite the efforts made by the outgoing regime. Add to this the informal nature of our economy and the precarious nature of some jobs, and you get the picture. For a President who is the same age as some of the jobseekers, the commitments must surely be clear. Voters have a draft of the electoral programme of « Diomaye President », who is also selling the project of a successful endogenous economy. To achieve this, he is counting on national preference, formalisation of the informal sector, an interventionist State when necessary, financial autonomy for local authorities, his own currency and the introduction of a « popular economic patriotism savings account » to finance small and medium-sized local or regional businesses. There will be a social and solidarity focus, backed up by a National Solidarity Fund and a National Solidarity Programme to combat poverty, exclusion and other forms of vulnerability.
A few lines from the « Project »?
Over and above the controversy created by the announced exit from the CFA franc and the creation of a post of vice-president, he is announcing a reform of the institutions. Will he reduce the size of the presidency? He has promised. Candidate Diomaye Faye signed the National Pact for Good Democratic Governance to put an end to hyper-presidentialism. This is the brainchild of the Sursaut citoyen and the Demain le Sénégal movements, which are committed to « rebuilding institutions ». Bassirou Diomaye Faye has announced the transition from a Constitutional Council to a Court, a substantial reform of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, the opening up of the judiciary to other legal professionals and the introduction of alternative sentencing and a judge of freedoms. To ensure transparency, the candidate’s programme sets out his intention to remove the supervisory bodies from the control of the Executive, reform Ofnac, abolish political funds and pass a law to protect whistle-blowers.
As for reforms concerning the public administration, the following are envisaged: the dematerialisation of regular procedures, the primacy of competitive examinations as a recruitment method, the introduction of a monitoring and evaluation mechanism, and the obligation for ministries, institutions and branches of the State to publish annual activity reports. A ban on political activism for directors of certain ministerial departments and state-owned companies is also being considered and proposed.
The night of 24 March was a validation of the « Project » whose godfather will not be the central figure in the Executive, namely Ousmane Sonko. This victorious night was predestined for him, but fate, beyond the pre-electoral political and judicial contingencies, chose Bassirou Diomaye Faye as elected. And Sonko, his partner or complement? That is the question!
By Bocar SAKHO /