Letter to Civil Servants: Diomaye Serves 3 Js (Jub Jubal Jubanti)

To establish virtuous governance, Bassirou Diomaye Faye is counting on the support of civil servants.In a letter, the President of the Republic invited them to fully embody the principles of uprightness, probity and exemplarity.
In his desire « to build a virtuous government based on an ethic of responsibility and accountability », the President of the Republic has addressed a letter to civil servants and administrative staff. In this document, Bassirou Diomaye Faye invited them « to fully embody the principles of Jub Jubal Jubanti ». Mr Faye asked civil servants to ensure that « uprightness, probity and exemplarity govern each » of their actions. In the same vein, he called on them to ensure that their « daily work is imbued with this permanent concern for the common good, where service to our fellow citizens and their well-being take precedence over all other considerations ». The President of the Republic added in his letter: « In the wake of our collective commitment to a united and prosperous Senegal, I would like to stress the crucial importance of transparency and integrity in our actions and decisions. Our Administration plays a fundamental role in realising the aspirations of our Nation. »
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With this in mind, the Head of State recalled « the main principles that must guide » their conduct. He referred to Law 2012-22 of 27 December 2021 on the code of transparency in the management of public finances, which establishes « a clear legal framework for the integrity of those involved in the management of public affairs ». According to BDF, the said law « underlines the requirement for irreproachable ethical and deontological behaviour for all agents of the State, insisting that transparency is not an option but an obligation ». He continued: « Points 7.2 and 7.3 of this law remind us that we public servants have a duty to scrupulously monitor the proper management of the resources entrusted to us and to report any infringement of the rules governing public finances. This approach is not only legal, it is moral. »
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In this context, President Faye recalled the particular importance attaches « to the protection of whistleblowers ». « It is essential that everyone feels free and supported to share information in complete safety about irregularities or practices that are unethical and unlawful (…) I urge you to adopt these principles in your daily work, reminding you that your contribution is invaluable in ensuring the integrity and transparency of our governance », stated the Head of State. President Bassirou Diomaye Faye also called on civil servants and government employees to strengthen their « determination to serve with honour and dignity in compliance with the laws that guide us and for the well-being of all Senegalese ».
By Dieynaba KANE / dkane@lequotidien.sn