« Nemekou Tour »… Dereet*: No More Blood Shed, No DNA Test for Sonko

OusmaneSonko was heard, on November 3, 2022, on the merits of the rape case between him and AdjiRabySarr.The hearing went off without much hitch.The leader of Pastefnormally appeared before the judge, as do all litigants who, every day, respond to the summons of magistrates.There was a lot of fear and apprehension about this appearance because OusmaneSonko had accustomed his world to provoke a ruckus, each time he was called to answer for this sordid affair.This time, he changed his strategy and for good reason!He did not fail to assess the balance of power.Indeed, if in March 2021 he had sown death, chaos and spilt blood on his way to respond to the summons of the judge, this time he could not take on the security forces.Public safety officers were able to learn all the lessons from the tragedy of March 6, 7 and 8, 2021 and have taken stock of the situation and, above all, have been able to establish effective coordination and collaboration.OusmaneSonko now knows that every time he calls his crowds to insurrection, he will have to face someone.He already had the opportunity to experience it when he finally resigned to a sprint, worthy of Usain Bolt, through the streets of the Medina District in Dakar, with the group of MalickGakou, BarthélémyDias and others.It is (funny coincidence of the calendar) in November 2021, one year to the day.They defied the police to go to the court in Dakar where BarthélémyDias was summoned for the murder case of NdiagaDiouf, committed in December 2011.The group ended up in a Police van.Also, when OusmaneSonko called for a march to remove MackySall from the presidential palace during the legislative elections of July 2022, Dakar had one of its quietest days.This means that the security forces have finally imposed respect for law and order in the streets and that OusmaneSonko has not failed to realise that he will receive no more gifts. President MackySall also assured the population that never again will the unfortunate events of March 2021 recur in Senegal under his magistrature.Thus, the former mayor of Dakar, KhalifaSall, seemed to have missed several episodes, when he blew on the embers to state in front of the cameras, on November 1, 2022, that the situation of the new appearance of OusmaneSonko was explosive and that the opposition could repeat the incidents of March 2021 which, needless to say, had caused more than 14 deaths and serious unrest.OusmaneSonko, who was aware that he was gambling his own freedom on the spot, had hastened to publicly disavow his political ally, specifically calling for calm and asked to be accompanied only by his lawyers to appear before the judge.And as if to make himself better heard, the leader of Pastef insisted that no political leader accompany him.Such a statement must have been ringing in KhalifaSall‘s ears, although OusmaneSonko, in the same statement, also ridiculed him by pointing out that KhalifaSall found a mystical explanation in the dates of his Courts summons.He made it known that he is not a believer of such delusions.We can bet that KhalifaSall will move his tongue more than seven times before speaking again.Déthié Fall and BarthélémyDias who wanted at all costs to go to OusmaneSonko’s home, who publicly told them that he did not require their presence, also appeared pathetic as they struggled to jump onto the wagon.No one is fooled and it is also very sad to see dreamers of a « Great Evening » who, in the twilight of their lives, sit on all scruples, all dignity and all political morality to use the leader of Pastef as the ram who will break down the doors of power.The good lesson of history is that all Senegalese were able to quietly go about their business on November 3, 2022, because no one had called for an insurrection.In other words, there was no violence because OusmaneSonko did not appeal to his militants to give their lives to shield him from justice!The other disappointment of OusmaneSonko, who claims to have eyes and ears at the heart of the security services, is that he could only note that the elements of his close guard were picked by surprise by the gendarmerie who brought them before the prosecutor of Mbour.They are being prosecuted for serious violence committed on October 30, 2022, against residents of the village of Tchiky who were chanting the name of AdjiSarr as the Pastef procession passed.It was part of the « Nemekou tour », a caravan of Pastef leaders to meet their supporters.The body guards had shed blood by manhandling their victims who thus ended up with serious injuries.Alioune Tine, a defender of all causes, can extend his list of « political detainees » with five new names whose release he is asking Justice Minister IsmaïlaMadior Fall for.When his guard was neutralised, OusmaneSonko was quietly seated in the office of Judge OumarMahamDiallo.Three Ridicule Hours in Front of the Judge
At the end of his face-to-face meeting with the investigating magistrate, Ousmane Sonko allowed himself a session to talk and comment on his testimony in front of the media. There would be no secrecy of the judicial investigation for everything that may seem to him to be to his advantage or to fabulate. Only, the more he says, the more Ousmane Sonko lays himself bare and reveals his immaturity. He claims to have ordered Judge Diallo not to ask him the infamous question of whether he had sexual intercourse with Adji Sarr because in 16 months, he will be President of the Republic of Senegal. It is now that he realises, as we apostrophised in a column dated January 14, 2019, that « someone who wants to become president doesn’t have to do this »? If in 2024 Ousmane Sonko has the chance to become president of Senegal, it will inevitably be a self-humiliation for his people who will be ashamed to see the sexual anatomy or intimate images of the first citizen in the smartphones of all his compatriots. He will be « a naked president » (chronicle of May 23, 2022).
Moreover, who is the judge who would allow himself to be stepped on by a litigant appearing before his office or who refuses to respond to his questions because he says this judge would have been appointed specifically for a case? Judge Oumar Maham Diallo no doubt understood that, stuck by the questions, the accused only had to indulge in contempt, invective and provocation. Ousmane Sonko is the braggart but it seems that the atmosphere in the judge’s chamber was quite different. However, neither the judge nor the prosecutor will be able to say in public what happened. The hearing was relatively short because, contrary to what he trumpeted, Ousmane Sonko did not want to explain himself on this case. He is the one who said it in front of the media. Yet he claimed to be eager to meet the judge to finally explain himself, but when the opportunity was given to him, he tried to clear off. Thus, he was adamant in refusing the DNA test proposed by the judge. A test that would have been an absolute way to clear his honour by revealing, for example, that the semen taken following a vaginal examination was not his. Certainly, if necessary, Ousmane Sonko would have relieved his supporters, including his lawyer Abdoulaye Tall who swore, with the Quran in hand, that his client had had no intimate relationship with his accuser. The leader of Pastef will seek the parade to say that he refuses to give blood to « plotters ». Who tells him that a DNA test would only be done on the basis of a blood sample? A small piece of saliva or sweat or a smear would have sufficed. Also, did they not have the latitude, he and his counsel, to participate in choosing a trusted laboratory? He also refused to answer the embarrassing questions of the representative of the prosecutor’s office (that is his right) and set about spouting his conspiracy theory orchestrated by State authorities. We can retort that he had made the « plotters » work easier by going to a brothel on his own, at night, after hiding from drivers, bodyguards, wives and by taking special care to put on a hoodie during curfew and Covid-19 lockdown! The private individuals named in his blacklist of « plotters » will have good reason to bring him to justice. For his part, he promises to deal with them when he is president of the republic. Ousmane Sonko once again threatens judges, prosecutors, lawyers, generals, colonels and political opponents. A very funny conception of the State, the relations between institutions and the rights and freedoms of citizens! President of the Republic, Ousmane Sonko will arrogate to himself the right of life and death over his fellow citizens.
It remains that a confrontation session between Ousmane Sonko and Adji Sarr his accuser should not fail to appear on the agenda of the investigating judge for the manifestation of the truth. As is also a confrontation with the owner of the « Sweet Beauty », Ndèye Khady Ndiaye, prosecuted for pimping, among other charges. It appears, at the end of the auditions, that this good lady officiated on occasion to hold a tail other than that of a casserole. The prospect of confrontational sessions should be much feared by the accused. We know that Adji Sarr intends to lead the fight of her life and then, what sensible man can snub a woman who saw him bare naked with an outstretched phallus? The judge will undoubtedly have to better ensure the integrity, not to say the inviolability of his hearings because extracts from videos filmed, inside the judge’s office at the time of the hearing, circulated when there was only the judge, his registrar and the deputy prosecutor in the said office with the accused and his counsel.
*Ousmane Sonko named his last political caravan « nemekou Tour ». In Wolof « Nemeku » means, to visit, touch base and « tur dereet » means to spill blood.
By Madiambal DIAGNE / mdiagne@lequotidien.sn