The rapid installation of the National Assembly, in addition to quickly voting a budget for the State, will give more visibility to the political and economic ambitions of the new leaders.

Following the results of the legislative elections of Sunday, November 17, all that remains for the new authorities is to get to work. And the Assembly is fully involved in the political orientations that the new majority will drive for the country. What makes things easy, in a certain sense, is that the country is waiting for a budget. Usually, a legislature is installed on the remains of a budget inherited from the outgoing legislature, with its liabilities. Here, the antagonism of Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko with the MPs of the former majority of Benno bokk yaakaar (BBY) allowed the newly elected to avoid this stumbling block. The new parliamentary majority will easily help the Executive implement its plans.

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And in this area, there is urgency. For the first time in a long time, Senegal is entering December without the National Assembly having begun the debate on the budgetary orientation. And if elected officials do not accelerate the pace, it will not be before January 2025 that the Senegalese will know the economic and political priorities of the new government. Yet, the country is operating at the pace of emergencies.

The regional financial market has issued almost every month bonds for the government. The regularity of these transactions suggests that this is how civil servants’ salaries are still paid, in the meantime. But, even to continue lending funds or providing budgetary support, the country’s partners need to have visibility on the government’s objectives and the use of the resources made available to it. Hence the importance of voting on a budget quickly.

It will also be an opportunity to question the legacy of Macky Sall, who increased the country’s budget to more than 7,000 billion before his departure. Since the story is that with the help of his financial services – which are now at the service of the Jub-Jubal-Jubanti trio – he systematically falsified public accounts to make people believe the economic health was good, despite the reality, this government will be able to correct the mistakes it inherited. And, finally be able to use the levers of the implementation of the famous Vision 2050, and demonstrate the differences with Macky Sall’s PSE.

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Decisions of the Assembly will have a real impact on the lives of all Senegalese. Even beyond economic orientations, the State faces several demands, both from its political and social base and from ordinary citizens. Everyone is waiting to know if, like Macky Sall and Abdoulaye Wade, the new leaders will seek to make those they accuse of having contributed to plundering the country’s resources pay. Will there be trials for « illicit enrichment » or other ill-gotten gains?

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Will audits be launched to uncover the sources of certain resources or, since Ousmane Sonko has long declared that he knows where the hidden money is and knows the names of certain embezzlers, will things go faster and we go straight to trials? Actions of this kind could inevitably influence the view of external opinion on governance in Senegal. Such a monochromatic Assembly makes it possible to move very quickly on certain issues, and to overcome certain legal obstacles more quickly. This is a very great asset for leaders who know they are being scrutinized by the entire world.

By Mohamed GUEYE /

  • Translation by Ndey T. SOSSEH