YAW’s Demonstration 4 Days before the Feast: Facing the Tabaski Blockade

The opposition wants to “liberate” Ousmane Sonko. The Coalition Yewwi askan wi (Yaw) has given an appointment to its sympathizers on June 25, i.e 4 days before Tabaski. A situation that raises questions about the real intentions of Yewwi askan wi, knowing that the Prefect of Dakar is “not going to authorize any gathering before Tabaski”. Attempts to explain!
The propensity of the Senegalese to consume politics often leads observers to make errors of analysis. Sometimes, it is the actors of the political scene who fall into the trap. The Senegalese likes to debate, but knows how to recognize relevance. Part of the opposition intends to beat the macadam at the Cité Keur Gorgui, next Sunday, June 25.
Encouraged by the demonstrations of June 1 and 2 following the conviction of Ousmane Sonko for corruption of youth to 2 years in prison, the Yewwi askan wi Coalition calls for the release of the « Patriot » in chief on June 25. This event is scheduled 4 days before the Tabaski festival. A date that challenges, in view of the last outing of the Prefect of Dakar. Mor Talla Tine had explained that he does not intend to authorize gatherings until the celebration of the Tabaski festival. The authority justified its decision by the fact that the economic fabric is mainly composed of the informal sector. Therefore, to prevent its proper functioning is to slow down economic activity.
The Bar Association Demands an “Immediate Lifting” of the Blockade of Ousmane Sonko’s House
Based on this observation, Yewwi askan wi wants to exercise its right to demonstrate. An intention that leads to questioning the real motivations of the opponents. Unfortunately, Dethié Fall, president of the Republican Party for Progress (Prp), preferred not to “expand on the subject”.
As for Cheikh Tidiane Dièye, coordinator of the Avenir Senegaal bi gnu beugg platform, his phone rings in a vacuum. Will Yewwi askan wi respect or force?
The Franco-Senegalese Lawyer, Robert Bourgi, Speaks of an “International Plot Against Macky”
In the meantime, Senegal has gone through the economic crisis caused by the health pandemic with the consequences that we know, the country must face the Ukrainian crisis related. In this context, forcing a demonstration that we know in advance is forbidden is political suicide. Who will harbour an ounce of sympathy for those who want to plunge the economy into crisis? What is the political use of causing tension on the sheep market less than 5 days from the Tabaski festival? The Dakarois, who bears the brunt of the consequences of these acts, will not hesitate when the time comes to choose his leader. And that, some people tend to forget.
By Malick GAYE / mgaye@lequotidien.sn