Two Missing Soldiers: Their Families Want Them Back, « Safe and Sound »

There is growing concern among the inhabitants of the Bliss Kassa Islands in Casamance origins of the Chief Warrant Officer of the Gendarmerie, Didier Badji, serving at the General State Inspectorate (Ige), and Sergeant Fulbert Sambou of the Directorate of Military Intelligence. They launched this Thursday, a hearty cry during a press briefing.The disappearance of the two soldiers worries the inhabitants of the Bliss Kassa Islands in Casamance where they come from.During a press briefing, they demanded « all the light » in this case that has caused a stir in Senegal in recent days.Indeed, the families of the Chief Warrant Officer of the gendarmerie, Didier Badji, General State Inspectorate (Ige), and Sergeant Fulbert Sambou of the Directorate of Military Intelligence do not believe in this disappearance and they launched this Thursday, a cry from the heart during a press briefing.« How is it possible that our brothers disappear in an area of Dakar, supposed to be the most secure, without a trace?How can a wave carry away two islanders at the same time without their effects?How can two soldiers serving in two such strategic corps disappear voluntarily?Who benefits from the false information distilled all day long and to what end? » asked the spokesperson.The nationals of the Bliss Kassa Islands have sounded the mobilisationin favour of « their parents so that they do not become the lambs of any sacrifice ».In the same vein, they asked religious families as well as all the living forces of the Senegalese nation, « to get involved for the return of these valiant Senegalese sons so that we preserve together this base that cements our dear Senegal before the rubicund is crossed ».The gathering of the Bliss KassaIslands, however,welcomed the « auto-referral of the Prosecutor » while wishing the safe return of theirs.The Bliss Kassa Islands, located at the entrance of the Casamance River, polarise the islands of Haère, Hitou, Niomoune, Diogué and Bakassouk.« This community, like the Diola community, is characterised by values of moral probity, loyalty, honesty, a high sense of honour, restraint and above all respect for institutions and the sacredness of secrecy, » the spokesperson said.The disappearance of the two soldiers was reported last Saturday.According to the public prosecutor, the geolocation of the devices of the disappeared made it possible to locate them consecutively at the level of the rocky cliffs of Cap Manuel.A stretched fishing net, remains of shrimp bait and shoes belonging to Didier Badji and Fulbert Sambouwere found, according to the Prosecutor’s Office, which announced the opening of a judicial investigation.By Aliou DIALLO